【CocoaPods】pod installでエラー:Analyzing dependencies
【Xcode/Swift】ビルドエラー:Build “スキーマ名” cancelled because the scheme is no longer available.
【Xcode/Swift】Storyboardでの警告:Unsupported Configuration: Prototype collection view cells must have reuse identifiers
【Xcode/Swift】importで警告:File ‘AppDelegate.swift’ is part of module ‘Firebase’; ignoring import
【Xcode/Swift】紫の警告の対応方法:UIApplication. registerForRemoteNotifications() must be used from main thread only
【CocoaPods】ビルドエラー:The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run ‘pod install’ or update your CocoaPods installation.
【Xcode/Swift】ライブラリ「Mockingjay」でエラー:Ambiguous use of ‘tearDown’
【CocoaPods】pod initでエラー:Unknown object version.の解決方法